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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make White Bear Eye Clinic & Optical the leading provider of vision care products and services in White Bear Lake.

Jaclyn Doffin, O.D.

Dr. Jaclyn Doffin is a White Bear Lake native. She attended the University of Minnesota-Duluth and studied biochemistry. She earned a B.S. in Optometry from Indiana University and received her doctor of optometry degree from Indiana University’s School of Optometry, graduating with high distinction.

During optometry school, Dr. Doffin was the president of Beta Sigma Kappa Optometric Society and was active in Fellowship of Christian Optometrists (FCO). She traveled to Honduras with this organization to provide eye care to an otherwise underserved population. Dr. Doffin is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Minnesota Optometric Association. She joined the White Bear Eye Clinic in 2004 and purchased the clinic from Dr. Perry in 2017.

She enjoys reading and spending time with her family in her free time. She also is passionate about her family’s non-profit organization, Hope in Grace.

Allyson Caspers, O.D.

Dr. Allyson Caspers received her B.A. in 1987 from St. Thomas University in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She is a 1991 graduate of Indiana University School of Optometry in Bloomington, Indiana.

As a student, she was a member of the Beta Kappa Sigma honor society and president of student V.O.S.H. This is an organization that volunteers optometric services to third world countries. She has traveled to Honduras to provide eye care and glasses to those in need.

She is past president of the Southeast Optometric Society and a member of both the American Optometric Association and the Minnesota Optometric Association.

Dr. Casper’s interests include volunteering at her children’s school, photography, gardening and volleyball.

Anna Percival, O.D.

Dr. Anna PercivalDr. Anna Percival is a Stillwater native. She attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where she majored in chemistry and biology, and was a member of the swimming and diving team. She received her doctorate of optometry degree from the Illinois College of Optometry.

During her time in optometry school, Dr. Percival was the fundraising chair of the National Optometric Student Association. She was also involved in multiple student organizations and frequently volunteered at the Special Olympics vision screenings.

In her free time, Dr. Percival enjoys reading, hiking, swimming, cooking, and nature photography.

Dr. Percival’s favorite part of optometry is getting her patients into their first pair of glasses to help them see a brighter, clearer world. She joined White Bear Eye Clinic in 2021.